Valor rank reset destiny 2
Valor rank reset destiny 2

valor rank reset destiny 2

In total there are six Valor ranks for Guardians to work through and each have three sub ranks, save the final. Sure, you might be at Heroic with your Valor, but where does that fall on the progression tree, how far do you have to go, and how many points do you need? Below, all those questions are answered as clearly as possible. What makes it worse, though, is not knowing where you fall on the ladder. It will be less if you win lots of your matches, but still a grind. Whether it’s Infamy (Gambit), Glory (Competitive), or Valor (Non-Competitive), expect to spend dozens of hours working through the ranks of each mode. Destiny 2 is back to being a proper grind, Guardians.

Valor rank reset destiny 2