Warhammer space marine gameplay
Warhammer space marine gameplay

warhammer space marine gameplay

The main antagonists the player must fight in the game are the Orks and the Forces of Chaos. The game includes a new weapon not featured in the actual table-top game known as the Vengeance Launcher, which can shoot mines that stick to enemies. Titus' starting weapons include a Combat Knife ( Power Sword if the game was preordered through THQ), and a Bolt Pistol, though the player can acquire other weapons ranging from Plasma Guns and Lascannons to the mighty Thunder Hammer. The game features a fury system that, when filled up, allows the player to either slow down time to enhance aiming or perform devastating melee attacks. Titus is accompanied by Sergeant Sidonus and Battle-Brother Leandros, both members of his company's command squad, for most of the game's missions, though in some instances Titus will have to go on solo missions. When the player's health gets low, performing special kill moves called executions can allow Titus to get a portion of his health back.

warhammer space marine gameplay

As a Space Marine, the player is given enhanced regenerative abilities and an Iron Halo containing a regenerative protective Conversion Field emitter. Space Marine does not feature a cover system, like that used in the Gears of War franchise.

Warhammer space marine gameplay